Education and QI opportunities with Physician Quality Improvement and Spreading Quality Improvement

MSQI, SSC, and Shared Care Improvement Initiatives to support systems’ improvement
Medical Quality describes the contribution of medical staff to the delivery of high quality of care through individual practice, quality improvement and team-based care.
Explore the links above or expand the accordion headings below to learn more about current projects and initiatives that are using quality improvement to improve care.
Interested in learning more about medical quality or finding ways to get involved? Email MedStaffQI@islandhealth.ca
Governance of Clinical Improvement
Provider quality is overseen by the Health Authority Medical Advisory Committee (HAMAC) on:
- Medical Staff Quality Assurance (QA) data and measures;
- Medical Staff Quality Improvement (QI) initiatives;
- Development and implementation of Island Health QA/QI programs; and
- Medical Staff related issues identified by HAMACthat potentially impact the quality of patient care. (Medical Staff Rules).
Through Clinical Decision Support and Clinical Analytics, advanced analytical support is provided as identified by the HAMAC.
- Reducing Unnecessary Variation in Care – Choosing Wisely Canada
Choosing Wisely Canada (CWC) is a campaign designed to promote conversations between providers and patients to help both parties choose care that is supported by evidence, free from harm and truly necessary. The CWC Hospital Designation Program recognizes hospitals that take deliberate action to reduce overuse and demonstrate organizational commitment to minimizing waste and harm.
With the help of local champions, Island Health has received recognition as a Choosing Wisely Canada Hospital achieving QI status.
For more information on how the Island Health CWC Oversight Committee is helping to improve quality and patient care at Island Health or to learn about physician and program led Choosing Wisely projects please visit the Island Health Choosing Wisely page.
- Reducing Unnecessary Variation in Care – Sepsis QI Project
The aim of this work is to improve outcomes through standardization of early recognition and management of sepsis at all Island Health facilities.
A review of order sets and clinical care pathways identified variation in the processes for recognition and management of sepsis. This variation in processes, combined with variation in practice confirms an opportunity for standardization of practice and improvement of outcomes.
This work was led by Emergency Department, Medicine, Infection Management and Adult ICU Quality Councils.
For more information please visit the Island Health Sepsis QI Project page or the Sepsis Resource Centre on the Island Health Intranet. *Island Health login required*.
Introducing a new standardized Morbidity & Mortality (M&M) Rounds framework adapted for Island Health by the Health Authority Medical Quality Committee (HAMQC) M&M Rounds Working Group from “The Ottawa M&M Model”.
Visit the Morbidity & Mortality Rounds page to learn more about the new model for rounds at Island Health and for resources on how to present and facilitate M&M rounds including guidance on how to select a case for discussion and what comes next.
If you would like to view our resource page for quick links to supporting materials, please click here.
If you are interested in learning more about facilitating rounds, please click here.
If you are interested in learning more about presenting rounds, please click here.
If you are interested in learning more about attending rounds, please click here.
M&M Rounds – Use the data repository to share your findings.
Already hosting M&M Rounds? Report the findings from your M&M
Rounds using the Data Repository. Sharing findings and actions helps
prioritize organization-wide change and spread across the organization.Click here to upload your bottom line slide.
*Island Health Login Required*
The M&M Rounds Data Repository works best with Google Chrome,
Microsoft Edge or Safari - Provider Profile
The Island Health Provider Profile is an interactive web-based tool for providers at Island Health. The goal of the Provider Profile is to allow individual providers to use Enterprise Data Warehouse data repositories to support them in quality improvement and to inform their practice.
Specific measures relevant to each department and/or division are being identified in collaboration with medical staff, and access to the Provider Profile will be made available by Division as appropriate measures are developed. Progress is reported through HAMAC.
To learn more about the Provider Profile including details on features and professional development visit the Provider Profile page.
- Data Access for Monitoring and Improving the Health System
Looking for data? Have you checked out the Report PORTAL accessible through the Island Health intranet? Site level data available on the Island Health performance dashboard, organizational priorities, patient flow and more.
Island Health launched the Report PORTAL as an intranet site to share reports with appropriate Island Health intranet users in fall 2020 and it continues to grow and expand.
The material contained and linked in the Report PORTAL is for internal Island Health use, for work associated with understanding, monitoring, and improving the health system only. Use of this information for research is not permitted. For opportunities related to Research please contact Island Health Research & Capacity
Some reports are available to everyone, others have restricted access depending on your role in the organization. If you think you need access to a particular report, you will be directed to the correct person to connect with.
You can find Report PORTAL on our intranet at: http://reports.viha.ca
Your Island Health Network login is required to access the site.
Are you looking for reports specific to Quality Improvement? Navigate to Quality Improvement under the Heading ‘Medical Quality’.
Questions about Report PORTAL or access to reports, please contact DataRequest@islandhealth.ca
Are you looking for help with data?
Want to know what kind of data Island Health can provide? Need access to Island Health data for research or quality improvement?
For specific requests for data, email DataRequest@islandhealth.ca with a brief description of your project and the data you think you’ll need.
Want to learn more? Watch this video about the lifecycle of data at Island Health (Island Health login required)
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M&M Rounds – Use the data repository to share your findings. Already hosting M&M Rounds? Report the findings from your M&M Click here to upload your bottom line slide. *Island Health Login Required* The M&M Rounds Data Repository works best with Google Chrome, |
Are you interested in learning more about the difference between Quality Improvement and Research Projects? Click here to learn more about how the Quality Improvement (QI) Ethics Decision Making Tool and Registry can be used to determine whether a proposal is QI or Research.
Visit the External Resources page on the Medical Staff Website to learn about some external funding opportunities facilitated through Island Health and become a champion for change.