Medical and Academic Affairs Projects

Medical Leadership Structure Review Project

The goal of the Medical Leadership Structure Review Project is to review past successes and assess potential opportunities for improvement. The primary focus is to achieve an engaged medical staff that works with Island Health to co-lead and respond effectively to the rapidly changing world of health care.

The Medical Leadership Structure Review will focus on identifying the roles, responsibilities, and deliverables for all leadership positions, and supporting the medical staff with effective orientation, training and development (including Enhanced Medical Staff Support). The review will consider the voices of medical staff, their expectations and organizational strategic priorities, while ensuring the leadership structure is financially sustainable and has the capacity and resources to support all medical leaders with their roles and responsibilities. Island Health is committed to implement a medical leadership structure that meets the governance and operational needs of medical staff and Island Health.

For more information please click here.

Medical Staff Human Resource System

Medical workforce planning is a core responsibility of the Island Health Medical Staff Departments as defined in the Bylaws and Rules. It is also an established, evidence-based health-care HR strategy supported by the Doctors of BC and Canadian Medical Association.

Island Health has developed various medical staff resource plans in the past; however, these quickly become dated. Island Health has never attempted to develop the type of robust, sustainable Medical Staff Human Resource System (MSHRS) that will be created via this project.

The benefits of proactive, collaborative medical staff workforce planning are well-established. Furthermore, these benefits are shared by patients, practitioners, the public, health-care organizations and government. It is in medical staff and administrators’ best interest to collaboratively develop and maintain a MSHRS. Accurate knowledge of the current state of medical staff human resources is essential to understand what changes are needed within a department to ensure a healthy, productive medical staff across Island Health.

For more information please click here.

Practice Description Tool Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) click here.

Onboarding for Medical Leaders

Effective onboarding of new medical leaders enhances overall engagement and experience throughout their leadership tenure. Medical leaders responsible for hiring direct reports play a critical role in supporting this process.  Successful onboarding strengthens relationships and develops a sense of belonging within the organization’s culture. The Medical Staff Engagement and Development (M.E.D) team of Medical and Academic Affairs is currently developing a medical leader onboarding program to support new medical leaders in the operational and departmental leadership structures.

For more information, please click here.