Continuing Professional Development


Calendar You can find Island Health's Calendar of Events including Continuing Medical Education opportunities here

How to get your event accredited

Accreditation Processes

Accrediting your education event can help to encourage attendance. Accreditation for CME/CPD events may only be obtained through an accredited CPD provider such as a professional society or university. Health authorities do not have this designation. 

A physician or designate may apply to accredit a CME/CPD activity through the following providers:

cpd credits.png

Island Health - Speaker Disclosure Form - Potential Sources of Conflict of Interest

UBC CPD Guidelines for Commercial Support

If you are planning an upcoming CME/CPD event please see the Doctors of BC Handbook for Coordinating a CME Event

Guidelines for Interaction with Industry

The primary objective of professional interactions between medical staff and commercial supporters should be for the advancement of the health of the population rather than the private good of either medical staff or industry. The primary purpose of Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Professional Development (CME/CPD) activities is to address the education needs of medical staff in order to improve the health care of patients. It is the responsibility of CPD providers to ensure that any educational activity is designed for this purpose.

Please see the following for more information regarding the Guidelines for Interaction with Industry:

Canadian Medical Association Policy - Guidelines for Physicians in Interactions with Industry

Island Health - Guidelines for Commercial Support of CME/CPD Activity

Attending Continuing Medical Education Events

Island Health Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Medical Education events available throughout the Island Health region are included on the Island Health Calendar of Events.

UBC Continuing Professional Development

UBC Continuing Professional Development

UBC CPD, Faculty of Medicine provides many educational events, courses, programs, and on-line activities to support physicians in their professional development. To learn more, please visit the UBC CPD website.

Rural Continuing Medical Education Program

The Rural Continuing Medical Education (RCME) Community Program makes funds available to groups of physicians living and delivering care in Rural Subsidiary Agreement (RSA) communities, to address their collective learning needs. The program aims to improve the capacity of local health care systems to address the needs of community members by giving physicians, both generalists and specialists, more control over collective learning activities, reducing the challenges of accessing funds, and improving relationships among health system partners. RCME Community Program funding also provides an opportunity for interprofessional learning since allied health care providers can be included in educational activity when applicable.
Funds for the RCME Community Program are available to the community of physicians, unlike the individual RCME incentive which is paid directly to the rural physician to facilitate individual learning needs.
For more information about this program within the Island Health region, visit the Rural Continuing Medical Education page

Medical Leadership Learning and Networking Events

Medical staff leadership positions play an integral role in influencing and driving change.  Internal and external medical leadership development opportunities are available to current and aspiring medical leaders to support continuous skill development. To learn more, please visit Medical Leadership Development.


For medical staff leadership and professional development inquiries, please contact: To learn more about the Medical Staff Communications, Education and Development team, please click here.