Provider Profile: What’s Included?

The Provider Profile provides physicians and midwives at Island Health individual access to data related to their patient population and specific dimensions of quality measures. Measures chosen by departments and/or divisions are being identified in collaboration with department heads.

Departmental measures for delivery providers are now available, and pediatric and emergency department measures are in development.

The Provider Profile is refreshed annually.


Introducing the Provider Profile

One-pager explaining what Provider Profile is, what’s included, and how to use it.

What's Included in the Provider Profile

Patient Population

A profile of each provider’s patient population is included, summarizing key patient characteristics (such as age, gender and comorbidities).

Using the Patient Population tab, providers can see the diagnoses of the inpatients they have had most responsibility for by case mix group, major clinical categories, and surgical day care cases where applicable.

Clinical Quality

Quality metrics includes measures that are seen on the performance dashboard for Island Health. This enables providers to see how these measures relate to the patients they care for.

Want to read more about the Quality Measures? Expand the heading below for the individual measures and their definitions.

Quality Metrics

30 day readmissions:

  • The percent of acute care patients readmitted to an acute care hospital (for any reason) within 30 days after the end of the hospital episode.
  • The numerator is the number of acute care episodes readmitted to an acute care hospital within 30 days after discharge from the episode. The denominator is the number of acute care episodes.


In-hospital mortality rate:

  • The percent of inpatient hospitalizations where in-hospital death occurred.
  • Excludes:
    • Neonates, with age at admission less than or equal to 28 days
    • Records with palliative care
    • Medical assistance in dying (MAID cases)
    • Undefined provider


Lab abnormal results rate:

  • The abnormal result rate (ARR) is measured at the individual lab order level and represents the proportion of lab orders with at least one result in the abnormal reference range.
  • Note: Some lab orders will include multiple tests (e.g. CBC) and some will include individual tests (e.g. ALT).


Percent of discharges before 11 am & 2pm:

  • Proportion of inpatient hospitalizations that were discharged before 11am and 2pm.


Ratio actual to expected length of stay (ALOS:ELOS):

  • Ratio of actual acute length of stay to expected length of stay for all inpatient discharges, excluding newborns. If the ratio is below 1.00, then patients are staying, on average, less than the expected length of stay.


Hospital Harm rate and hospital harm patient abstract details:

  • Rate of hospital discharges with at least one hospital harm event recorded, per 100 discharges.
  • The hospital harm indicator is a measure collected by all inpatient care facilities across Canada and includes defined conditions that are considered preventable using evidence based actions and lead to increase length of stay or additional treatment in hospital.

The Core Measures, which includes the Patient Population and Clinical Quality Metrics, are available for all physician and midwives who were Most Responsible Provider (MRP) in the 5-year refresh window.

In Scope, Out of Scope & Rollout Plan

Expand the heading below to learn more about what’s in and out of scope, and what measures are in development.

Scope of the Provider Profile

In Scope

  • Only providers will be able to see individual provider level results, and each provider will only be able to see their own individual level results.
  • The Provider Profile presents providers with information about their patient population, and measures related to the dimensions of quality. 
  • These evidence based clinical measures will be developed with medical staff and departments, in alignment with the BC Health Quality Matrix.

Out of Scope

  • Monitoring of individual provider measures by anyone other than the individual providers themselves.
  • Analysis and/or review of provider variation for the purposes of performance measurement, quality assurance.

Provider Profile is undergoing a phased roll-out.

Measures currently available:

  • Delivery providers

Measures currently under development:

  • Pediatrics
  • Emergency department

Measures to be identified:

  • Psychiatry
  • Long-term Care
  • Surgery

Would you like to learn more about the Provider Profile? Email with your questions or comments or navigate to one of the subpages.


The Provider Profile is available to Medical Staff.

Click here to navigate directly to the Provider Profile

*Island Health login is Required*

Report PORTAL: the Provider Profile is located on the ‘Quality Improvement’ 
section of the Report PORTAL, under the heading ‘Medical Quality’.

Island Health Intranet: a link to the Provider Profile is available on the Clinical Resources page on the Intranet.
Navigate Directly to Clinical Resources, or type ‘Provider Profile’ in the Intranet search bar. 


Introducing the Provider Profile

One-pager explaining what Provider Profile is, what’s included, and how to use it.


Introducing the Provider Profile Video: Using data to engage in CPD or QI 

A short video explaining how the Island Health Provider Profile can be leveraged for 
continuing professional development (CPD) and/or quality improvement (QI).

Clickhere Click here to return to the Provider Profile Overview page.