Family Practice (300-0921)

Reference Number

ValleyCare Medical is a group of 10 collegial physicians and 2 nurse practitioners who share a similar work ethic and enjoy a work-life/personal life balance.

The practice has an LPN and a full complement of office support staff. Each doctor is able to schedule their appointments as they choose, and do in-person as well as phone visits.

Our medical records and billing staff are able to help with some of the administrative tasks in order that doctors to have more time to provide direct patient care. We use Profile, from Intrahealth, as our EMR and continue to increase utilization of features to enhance efficiency and manage patient panels. Clinic orientation and EMR orientation are available.

Locum Dates

Clinic Hours: Dependent on dates covered, but typically 3-4 clinic days (full and half days) - see below. Long-term Care/Hospital work would be necessary for some dates but not required for all - see below.

  • July 20 – 31, 2024
  • July 25 - August 5, 2024

Community Information

The Comox Valley is one of the fastest growing communities in BC, and with good reason. We have all the amenities, business and conveniences of a larger centre, but with the perks - community feel, lack of traffic, free parking! - of a smaller town.

This region has endless opportunities for outdoor exploration and recreation, and boasts truly incredible natural beauty, to be enjoyed all year long.

The rapid growth of this area brings with it a real vitality, as well as an ever-growing list of progressive businesses, such as craft breweries, boutiques, restaurants, allied health clinics and more.


Job Types
Locum Family Practice
Primary Care

ValleyCare Medical Clinic 


Teneille Higgins, Business Manager
250-331-0550 x310
The Comox Valley Recruitment Coordinator

Education, Training and Experience

Licensure with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC

Job Status
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