Patient Safety & Learning System

Reporting Safety Events in the Patient Safety & Learning System

Patient Safety and Learning

This Patient Safety and Learning System (PSLS) Educational video has been created specifically for Medical Staff at Island Health.  This video introduces PSLS and demonstrates how to find and use the reporting system.  PSLS is a web-based tool that BC’s health authorities use to report and learn from any patient safety incidences/good catches/hazards that are identified in care delivery.  If you identify any patient safety concerns you are encouraged to report them into PSLS. Please note: Island Health log-in required to view video.

PSLS Handler’s Guide: FAQs for Medical Staff Leadership

The Patient Safety and Learning System (PSLS) is a web-based tool that BC’s health authorities use to report and learn from patient safety incidents, good catches, and hazards. 

When medical staff report patient safety events, they often require review by Medical Leadership.   This is why Medical Leaders need education about how to be PSLS handlers*

Q1. What is the purpose of PSLS?

A1. PSLS is a tool that all Island Health staff and medical staff can use to report patient safety events that they have been a part of, or have witnessed.  To improve care, patient safety events reported in PSLS can be reviewed individually and aggregately. A system-focused review approach is used when reviewing patient safety incidents and recommendations are made for quality improvement on program, geographic and organizational levels.

Q2. What does a handler do?

A2. A PSLS handler is the individual who is responsible for following up on a PSLS reported incident.  They may complete the review on their own, with the support of a Patient Safety Consultant, or in conjunction with a review team.  Review activities typically involve interviewing involved staff, reviewing charts, and exploring how current policy, procedures, and standards may have affected patient care.

A Handler (within your program area or elsewhere) who is completing a patient safety review may also contact you during the course of a review.  You may be asked to provide your input because you were either directly involved in the care of a patient that had a PSLS reported, or because your experience in a medical program area would be valuable to a review team discussion.

Q3. Who is a handler?

A3. Anyone who holds a leadership role at Island Health may be a PSLS handler.

Q4.  How long does the PSLS training take?

A4.  One of the subject matter experts from the PSLS team will contact you to arrange a time for the training that fits into your schedule.  The training typically takes no more than an hour and you may be able to claim continuing professional development (CPD) credits for this time.

Q5.  I am a Medical Lead who should be a handler – how do I get an account and access PSLS?

 A5. Connect with the PSLS team, and we will create an account and provide you with PSLS training. 

Email:  Phone: 250-519-7700, ext. 11734.

Q6.  Is there any other training available to better understand patient safety reviews at Island Health?

A6. Yes – The Patient Safety Consultant team provides regular sessions on reviews of patient safety incidents and you can sign up on the Learning Hub for a Patient Safety Review 101 session (3 hours) near you:  You may also be able to claim continuing professional development (CPD) credits for this time--email: qps@viha if you have any questions


* Handler is the term used to describe the person who reviews PSLS events.