Choosing Wisely for Seniors in Acute Care with Dementia: A New Virtual Simulation.

Posted on: December 5, 2023

The Choosing Wisely (CW) at Island Health Antipsychotic Working Group has partnered with the Island Health Simulation team to create a virtual simulation aimed at reducing antipsychotic use in seniors with dementia. *Island Health login required*

This simulation supports clinical decision-making in acute care regarding antipsychotic use in seniors with dementia using four different case scenarios.

Antipsychotics such as quetiapine (Seroquel) are often prescribed to help insomnia in hospitalized seniors despite not having a recommended indication for use, not addressing the sleep concern, and are often associated with adverse effects that impact the patient’s health, recovery and ongoing care needs.

Along with this educational simulation module, the CW Antipsychotic Working Group has developed an infographic and decision tree to help identify best practices when ordering antipsychotics for dementia patients. *Island Health login required*

We encourage those caring for seniors in acute care to review these educational materials and work through this simulation to help guide quality patient care.

The team are available to discuss current research and best practices. Please reach out to for more information.

Visit the Medical Staff Choosing Wisely Antipsychotic page to learn more about this important initiative. 

*Island Health login required. You can visit the Virtual Simulation using the link on the “Seniors Health Intranet Opportunities for Learning” page, which is linked above.