Pssst.....It's Back! Go By Bike Week is May 29th to June 4th

Posted on: April 18, 2023

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Go By Bike Week is a 100% FREE tri-annual event encouraging everyone to try cycling for the week! Register to get your free 2023 Go By Bike T-Shirt ​

Cycling is proven to improve happiness and productivity, as well as both mental and physical health! With gas prices on the rise, there is no better time to leave the car at home. Not to mention, it’s super fun!

Aside from personal benefits, Capital Bike organizes Celebration Stations along popular cycling routes, runs challenges, and offers hundreds of prizes!

For more information about registration, creating an account, logging your rides, GBBW T-Shirts and more, click here​.

Find more resources from Capital Bike here​.​