A Public Health Response to our Perplexing Relationship with Psychoactive Substances

Posted On: March 18, 2025


Dr. Ré​ka Gustafson Presenting—Challenge and Change: A Public Health Response to our Perplexing Relationship with Psychoactive Substances

Who: For all Island Health Primary Care team members

When: Wednesday, April 30, 2025 12:00 – 1:00pm

Where: Virtual via Teams ​​

Island Health hosts Primary Care Grand Rounds to encourage new ways of thinking, introduce new or updated ideas, generate discussion, and in some cases debate around important health issues. The Grand Rounds are hosted by Dr. William Cunningham, Department Head Primary Care, and Dr. Leah MacDonald, Executive Medical Director of Island Health.

Dr. Réka Gustafson Is the Vice President, Population & Public Health and Chief Medical Health Officer at Island Health. In this role, Dr. Gustafson leads programs that aim to improve health and reduce inequities in health for residents of Island Health. As a Vice President in Island Health, she is responsible for the development and implementation of the Regional Addictions Medicine and Substance Use program.

For more information, click here.

Please contact PCGrandRounds@islandhealth.ca if you have any questions.