May 2023 issue of Mental Health Act (MHA) INFOBITS is here!

Posted on: May 23, 2023

The MHA legislation is intended for persons seriously impacted by a mental disorder who are not able to appreciate their need for or are refusing psychiatric treatment.May Infobits capture.png

Does that mean that everyone who has a mental or psychiatric disorder needs to be treated involuntarily under the MHA? What legal criteria must be met or considerations given?

This issue discusses the four criteria for involuntary admission and treatment under the MHA & what should be considered before involuntarily submitting a person to psychiatric admission under the MHA and treatment.

The May issue is available here

Tune into The Weekly for your new issue of MHA Infobits on the third week of every month. You can read past issues of MHA Infobits on the MHA Intranet site. Topics in past issues of MHA Infobits include:

  • MHA Forms Checklist practice support tool
  • MHA Form 4 & Form 5 Quick Guide for Emergency Departments
  • New Medical Certificates Update
  • Patients' Rights

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