MOST Changes at Island Health | March 30

Island Health has recently updated the Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST) policy, and community providers can now have the MOST they prepare for patients added to the Island Health Electronic Health Record (EHR).

Key changes to Island Health’s policy include the following:

  • A new MOST form is available online. Please use the new version in your care planning.
  • When you complete a MOST for a patient, you can have it added to their Island Health record. This ensures the MOST is available if the patient enters acute care or is treated at other Island Health locations.
  • MOSTs can be ordered by either a physician or nurse practitioner.
  • A MOST is recommended for adult patients, residents, and clients, where clinically relevant and appropriate. Advance care planning should happen early and be reviewed regularly.
  • M2 and M3 designations have been clarified, and the new form clearly identifies when transfer to a higher level of care is appropriate.
  • An existing MOST is reviewed within 24 hours of admission into acute care.

To have a patient’s MOST added to their Island Health record, fax the completed form to 1-250-740-2687. Within 24 hours, the MOST will be entered by informatics nurses as part of the EHR and will be viewable in the ACP/MOST tab of Results Review. Please fax one MOST at a time, and ensure that the form is clearly legible.

More information is available online, including key messages and a conversation guide for patients and families. Questions can be directed to

NOTE: During these extraordinary times Telus has been experiencing significant increased demand on their services. If your fax does not transmit on the first attempt, please refax as the Telus lines may be experiencing intermittent interruptions.