Long-term Care Communication Bulletin | On-site LTC visits | March 18, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

LTC homes are now restricted to Essential Visitors only.   ONLY visit a LTC facility in essential or urgent situations.  All other medical management should be by phone or fax.  We can be an infection vector for our vulnerable patients. If you must visit, please practice SCRUPULOUS hand washing and proper infection control measures.  Consider virtual ‘rounding’ with LTC staff as required.

BC family doctors (SGP) state that visit codes 114 may be billed for telephone consultations:

Non-procedural interventions where there is no telehealth fee may be claimed under the face-to-face fee with a claim note record that the service was provided via telehealth.

  • Examples include Long Term Care Facility visits, Palliative Care Facility visits

I will be sending a more comprehensive LTC update at the end of the week, but this issue needed to be urgently brought to your attention.





Dr. Margaret Manville, FCFP (COE)

Medical Director, Long-Term Care, Island Health

Division Head, Department of Primary Care, Geography 4