Introducing Island Health’s eLearning Course: Seven Generations

Posted on: May 22, 2024

As an organization, Island Health is committed to identifying and addressing the historical and ongoing health impacts of colonization and Indigenous-specific racism to promote a culturally safe work environment. ​

Embarking on a learning journey towards systemic change involves a multifaceted approach that integrates education, awareness-building, collaboration, and action. 

Spending time in nature provides a conducive environment for self-reflection. Nature has a way of grounding us, reminding us of our place in the universe, fostering a sense of awe, humility and often opens new perspectives. 

We are pleased to announce that Island Health’s Seven Generations course is now available through five learning modules. 

Developed with Indigenous leadership, this course was developed for everyone working for and with Island Health and is part of Island Health’s commitment to cultural safety and humility, Indigenous-specific anti-racism, and addressing the inequities that Indigenous peoples face.

This course was previously known as ‘For the Next Seven Generations – for the Children…’ which is now newly updated as Seven Generations. This title is inspired by a strong principle held by many Indigenous peoples, the Seventh Generation Principle that centres on the importance of considering the next Seven Generations in the decision-making process, and in how life is lived.

We strive to continually improve this eLearning resource and recognize that many of the speaker titles are not currently accurate – there are leaders highlighted who are in different positions or have exited the organization and we are working to address these video inaccuracies.

Recognizing and addressing both systemic and our own personal biases requires ongoing self-reflection, self-critique, and a willingness to learn and grow. This course can serve as a helpful resource along this journey.

Register in Learning Hub​ for Island Health’s Seven Generations Course Today!

LearningHub is an online course registry and learning management system that offers health authority staff across BC opportunities to continuously develop skills, knowledge and competencies for today and the future.