Last chance for Cowichan Valley residents to be heard in survey

Posted on: September 26, 2023

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Island Health and Our Co​​​​wichan Communities Health Network (OCCHN) launched the health and wellness survey this summer. People are encouraged to complete the survey by 5 p.m. October 3. 

The Our Health, Our Community survey aims to collect local data from at least 4,500 Cowichan Valley residents, ages 18 and older. Island Health staff and family members are encouraged to do the survey as well as the public. We're almost there! Thank you to the approximately 3,150 people who have taken the survey so far. 

This project aligns with Island Health’s organizational priority #8 Promote Population Health & Prevent Harm.​

Anonymized survey data will help provide important information to help Island Health, and partners, decision-makers and service providers, better understand the region's health and wellness needs and priorities.

​​Do you live in the Cowichan Valley?

Cowichan Valley residents: Take the  survey today​.​

Participants who are 19 years of age and over are eligible for prize draws. While we encourage people aged 18, and  anyone employed by Island Health and their immediate families, to complete the survey, they are unfortunately ineligible for prizes. See full prize rules.

For more information, email​​​