What is Community Virtual Care’s Acute Illness Monitoring Program?
Community Virtual Care’s Acute Illness Monitoring Program uses remote patient monitoring and virtual visits to support clients with mild to moderate symptoms of:
- COVID-19
- Influenza
How does it work?
The program is delivered 7 days a week, 12 hours per day (08:00-20:00), and is suitable for people who are immune-compromised or diagnosed with a chronic disease known for poor outcomes when paired with COVID-19, RSV, or influenza.
Clients complete a daily monitoring interview designed to assess if their symptoms are improving or worsening, as well as reporting temperature and oxygen saturation.
Registered Nurses contact the client daily (or multiple times per day as needed), monitor the data and alerts and contact Primary Care Providers (PCP) to communicate changes in clients’ conditions as required.
- Clients are eligible for remote symptom monitoring and support if they have mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19, RSV or influenza.
- They have the ability to complete a daily monitoring plan using either a touch screen tablet (provided) or web-based version of the monitoring application on their own device.
- They have the ability to work with a nurse over phone or have local support to assist them.
How do clients access the program?
Clients can self-refer by calling Community Access at:
- South Island (250) 388-2273 or toll-free 1 (888) 533-2273
- Central Island (250) 739-5749 or toll-free 1 (877) 734-4101
- North Island (250) 331-8570 or toll-free 1 (866) 928-4988
For more information about the program, referral options or to request posters or pamphlets:
- Intranet
- Internet
- Email - communityvirtualcare@islandhealth.ca
- Phone: 250.519.7700 x 11928