Heartfelt Thanks From CEO for CloudStrike Disruption Response

Posted on: July 24, 2024

Following the unexpected impacts of the CloudStrike disruption last week and our incredible response, I wanted to take a moment to express my deep gratitude for your commitment,km-cloudstrike-wrap.png professionalism and resilience. Your actions were not just inspiring, but crucial in supporting care during this challenging time. It was inspiring to see our technical and clinical teams rally together, prioritizing care and supporting colleagues during times of adversity.

I am immensely grateful to everyone who jumped in to support Island Health, starting in the late hours on Thursday, through the weekend and into this week, to restore critical systems and impacted devices. In particular, I want to extend a special thank you to our IMIT team. Their unique role in restoring our digital operations, which has been nothing short of remarkable, demonstrates the true spirit of teamwork and our CARE values in action.

This incident serves as yet another testament to the readiness of our leaders and teams to respond swiftly and effectively, regardless of the time of day or night, any day of the week.

As we move forward and reflect on what we've learned from this experience, I encourage each of you to consider what worked well and pinpoint opportunities for improvement, so we are even better prepared for a similar event in the future.

Thank you again for your unwavering dedication and commitment to our patients and each other. Together, we have navigated yet another challenge with resilience and unity, reinforcing the strength of the Island Health team.

~ Kathy MacNeil, President & CEO