The Department of Psychiatry, South Island, has an opening for a part- time psychiatrist with specific training and experience in Addiction Medicine. Certification in Addiction Medicine preferred.
The successful applicant will work part-time providing comprehensive psychiatric services re: concurrent disorder patients at the Addictions Treatment Clinic. The successful applicant may also provide community outreach to the Intensive Case Management Team.
There is an expectation to participate in strategic and operational planning, in conjunction with the other Addiction Psychiatrists, allied clinicians, and management re: improved access and treatment for concurrent disorder patients, especially the quadrant IV, high psychiatric/substance use disorder patients.
The successful candidate will have expertise in treating people with substance use issues as well as situational problems and psychiatric disorders. As an integral part of an interdisciplinary team, you will be joining other psychiatrists and therapists to provide psychiatric expertise in various clinical processes. These will include assessment by one time consults, brief intervention/short term stabilization, and individual psychotherapy/ psychoeducation.
Clinical Duties
- You will be assessing and treating patients across a broad range of diagnosis including Substance Use Disorder patients with concurrent disorders, such as Mood, Anxiety, Adjustment, and Psychotic disorders. Co-morbid Personality Disorders, brain injuries and other physical disorders are also common.
- Assessment and short term treatment for some of the outreach teams
- Clinical documentation will be maintained in the VIHA hybrid chart consistent with current and evolving standards and policy.
- Participation in the on-call schedule.
Administration Duties
- Attend meetings, provide reports, and maintain medical
- credentials per VIHA Medical Staff Rules and VIHA policy, where appropriate.
- Join the Addiction Psychiatry team, working together with management and front line clinicians in striving to build capacity across our system for concurrent disorder patients and to improve specialized treatment for the same.
Teaching and Research
- Facilitate the development of and help sustain a rich teaching and supervision atmosphere with residents and medical students as well as clinical counseling interns who train in our clinics. We are also the site for a UBC Addiction Medicine Fellowship, with supervision of fellows by the Addiction psychiatrists at island Health, for their concurrent disorder rotation.
- Research interests are encouraged and engagement with other researchers in the department is supported, as are connections with VIHA Research.
Office space for assessments, office tasks, and documentation is available, computer and administrative support as part of the general service. A rich multidisciplinary environment for ongoing clinical learning.
Start Date
As soon as possible
Additional Information:
All part-time Psychiatry positions can be combined with available other part-time positions to create a rewarding and diverse full-time Psychiatry practice.
Community Information
Victoria, British Columbia’s scenic capital, is located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. Renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty and enviable quality of life, this is an ideal place to pursue your medical career and create the kind of lifestyle only dreamt about. Few areas in the world can match BC’s scope of outdoor activities, with Vancouver Island offering everything from skiing and snowboarding, to golf, and world-class fishing. With Victoria’s temperate climate, its rich heritage and vibrant cultural scene, it provides the very best of urban and rural living.
Addictions Treatment Clinic
For more information on this and other Psychiatry opportunities please contact:
Savanah Munzar, Medical Staff Recruiter
Island Health
Qualified applicants are invited to submit a cover letter and CV to
- Eligible for a full license to practice Psychiatry in British Columbia (CPSBC)
- Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCPC)
- Specialized training and experience in Addiction Medicine/Psychiatry. Certification in Addiction Medicine preferred.
- Experience and training in comprehensive psychiatry services, and skills and experience in multidisciplinary, collaborative care and stepped care models.
- Leadership experience and training will be considered an asset.
- Capacity and interest to build relationships with the other services/staff.