Dr. Tom Lloyd: Self and Relational Awareness Workshop

Island Health is excited to host Dr. Tom Lloyd for two day-long workshops open to medical staff and medical leaders. This learning workshop is co-funded via the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on Physician Psychological and Physical Safety and will be an opportunity to learn new leadership skills, alongside 35 medical staff peers from across the Island. Key goals include strengthening team building skills in healthcare settings and promoting psychological safety in teams – whether you are in an informal or formal leadership role.

This event has been accredited for MOC and Mainpro+® credits through UBC accreditation. An event overview and detailed agenda are provided below.

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Please note: Sessions include identical content on both days. Select one date based on preferred venue location when you RSVP.

Save your spot early! Please RSVP with your preferred date medstaffcommunications@islandhealth.ca. As small to medium-sized group sessions are preferred for this learning style, spots will be on a first come first serve basis.

Event Overview:

Self and relational awareness are critical skills that are often limited in the education and socialization of physicians. Current research and literature support the need to begin with our own self-awareness to better understand how our thoughts and emotions influence our behaviors towards ourselves and others. 

This workshop is geared for physicians wanting to develop skills and learn practical strategies to be a better leader and colleague. This physician- focused workshop will help you to:

  • Enhance your own self awareness and management
  • Develop practical strategies for building & managing diverse relationships in a healthcare setting
  • Learn phrases and strategies to minimize room for misinterpretation
  • Explore strategies for managing self care, including boundary setting
  • Identify strategies for building clarity and safety in teams

