West Coast General Welcomes New Emergency Doctor

Dr. James Williams has joined the emergency depar​tment at West Coast General. As reported in the Ha-Shilth-Sa newspaper, Dr. Williams is a 28-year-old member of the Kwanlin Dun First Nation in Yukon. During his medical education at the University of British Columbia, he completed rural elective work in Port Alberni. He enjoyed the hospital, the community, the outdoor activities, and rural medical work and decided to return to Port Alberni to further his medical career. After completing his family practice residency and enhanced anesthesiology and emergency medicine skills, Dr. Williams is now practicing at West Coast General.

Growing up in Yukon, Dr. Williams spent a lot of time with his family and grandmother, learning about traditional healing and medicinal plants. Dr. Williams has always been fascinated by biology and human anatomy - this fuelled his curiosity in science and led him to a biochemistry undergraduate degree. Coincidentally, most of his biochemistry courses were the requirements for medical school, so he took a chance and applied.

“I chose family practice so that I could work in rural areas in smaller communities," Dr. Williams said, “I also get to do a lot of variety because in some communities, I'm the only one."

After years of medical school, Dr. Williams is learning about “free time" and is enjoying hiking, rock climbing, surfing and mountain biking.

The staff and medical staff at West Coast General Hospital are excited to welcome the new doctor.        
