​​​​​​​​​Cli​​​​​​​nical Governance Secretariat

Strengthening Island Health's Clinical Governance requires more than a new committee structure. We have heard from staff and medical staff that they need support to make clinical governance successful. Review of leading practices from other jurisdictions show that a robust support team enables m​eetings to run smoothly, facilitates more efficient decision-making and makes it easier for everyone to participate in governance activities.

Island Health's Clinical Governance Secretariat is a new resource dedicated to the administration and coordination of governance work to ensure the effective coordination and operation of Clinical Governance committees. The secretariat will provide support in three areas:

1. Administration: Secretariat Leads will provide logistical support, such as helping chairs with consistent agendas, minutes, decision records and associated communications. They will ensure that the activities of working groups associated with C.A.R.E. Network are well documented and communicated. Assistance includes facilitation of issue escalation and Network coordination. Some tasks, such as setting meeting dates and times, will be coordinated by chairs with secretariat support.

2. Analysis: Secretariat Leads will assist with preparing briefings, gathering background materials, and other forms of research to ensure well-informed decision making. They will work with committee chairs to ensure that the appropriate people are invited to meetings in order to support well-informed decision-making. 

3. Action: The committee chairs and Secretariat Leads will manage decision-making processes, decision-tracking, and escalating or communicating decisions for action. The secretariat will support the integration of work between the Operations Excellence Committee (OEC) and Clinical Excellence Committee (CEC) to keep them aligned on priorities, timelines and deliverables. 

The Secretariat will also help people learn about and navigate the new governance structure, and provide an important access point for staff and medical staff who would like to sha​re their ideas or questions with clinical governance groups. 

The secretariat will be established by September 2023, to align with the operation of new governance committees. 

See the Secretariat FAQ for additional information.

If you are interested in learning more about the secretariat's functions or employment opportunities, please email CGII@islandhealth.ca or visit the VI Hire website.