At Island Health, our vision is to achieve excellent health and care for everyone, everywhere, every time. We recognize that each of our employees plays an integral role in fulfilling this vision and deserve the same level of care.
Island Health’s values are reflected in the acronym C.A.R.E, which you’ll see frequently. These guiding principles inform everything we do at Island Health:
Contact the Team:
- Electronic Health Record (EHR) Functionality
Island Health has several levels of EHR functionality:
- At non-fully activated sites, providers use the EHR to review patient information, document allergies and manage transcribed documents.
- At partially-activated sites, providers use the EHR for the same purposes as the non-fully activated sites; however, have some additional pieces of EHR functionality (i.e. Depending on the site, FirstNet tracking list, Provider View to review patient information, documentation of electronic Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment, electronic Best Possible Medication History, Medication Reconciliation paper forms, and dynamic documentation)
- At fully-activated sites, providers use the EHR with increased functionality, such as electronic ordering closed loop medication administration.
During your residency, you may work at numerous Island Health locations with differing levels of EHR functionality. For example, you may work at the Royal Jubilee Hospital (a fully-activated site) and then begin a rotation at Cowichan District Hospital (a partially-activated site). When working at new locations, please adhere to the level of activation for the local site. If you are working at a partial or fully-activated site, you will receive communication from for mandatory EHR training.
- Island Health Student Practice Curriculum (4 hours)
All learners are required to complete the Island Health Student Practice Curriculum before starting at Island Health. It can take up to 4 nonconsecutive hours to complete the curriculum—you can save your progress and come back to your work at a later date.
- Security Office
To contact Security
For First Aid
At Royal Jubilee Hospital and Victoria General Hospital, Employee First Aid is provided by Protection Services Officers (PSOs) who are certified in Level 2 Occupational First Aid.
First Aid at other Island Health sites is provided through certified Occupational First Aid Attendants, or as required by the OH&S Regulations (Work Safe BC).
Signs indicating how and where to access first aid treatment are posted at all sites. All employees should be familiar with the procedure to access first aid at their own work location.
For more information, refer to Occupational Health & Safety (Intranet Access Required) or the Occupational First Aid Regulations at Work Safe BC.
- Access Cards
Contact Information
Security Control (M-F 08:00-16:00):
STAT Inquiries (After Hours Only): 250.370.8575 Local 18575
Report Lost/Stolen and/or Replace Damaged Access Cards
- A lost or stolen card must be reported to Protection Services immediately for de-activation. This can be done by calling the 24/7 dispatch centre at 250-370-8575.
- After de-activation, a new card can be requested through the Access & Photo I.D. Request form. Please ensure you complete all fields (Intranet Access Required).
Protection Services will process all requests for new card activation or changes to existing cards. Information on where to pick up your access card will be communicated via email. When picking up your access cards, please bring government issued photo ID for identification purposes.
More information can be found at (Intranet Access Required)
- Emergency Codes
It is the responsibility of each staff member to know and understand Emergency Code expectations and procedures.
More information can be found at:
Acute Care Emergency Codes Quickstep Guide (Click here)
Residential Care Emergency Codes Quickstep Guide (Click here)
Emergency Code Home Page (Intranet Access Required)
- Fit Testing (Intranet Access Required)
This link provides information on fit testing preparation, the issuing of respiratory protection, and booking fit testing appointments.
- Medical Staff Directory
Once live a link will be placed here.
Medical staff can now quickly search for medical leaders by name, position, facility, or department.
- Personal Appearance
Personal Appearance: PDF download
- Confidential Information
Confidential Information - Privacy Rights of Personal Information Policy: PDF download
- Respectful Workplace Procedures for Medical Staff, Resident Doctors and Medical Students
Respectful Workplace Procedures for Medical Staff, Resident Doctors and Medical Students: PDF download
- Blood & Body Fluid Post Exposure
Blood & Body Fluid Post Exposure 14.6PR - PDF download
Staff Blood & Body Fluid Exposure Algorithm - PDF download
- Parking Office Locations
Parking Payment
Pay as You Go Parking (HotSpot)
Digital licence plate-based parking is offered through the HotSpot mobile app or via the HotSpot website. Offered in 15-minute increments with the options to extend a current parking session and to refund for time not used.
When using the HotSpot application, resident doctors can park in:
South Island
- Physician parking stalls, or public parking stalls when the physician stalls are full, at a rate of $0.53/hour.
- Staff parking stalls at a rate of $0.36/hour to a maximum session cost of $4.20 daily.
- Physician parking stalls, or public parking stalls when the physician stalls are full, at a rate of $0.26/hour.
- Staff parking stalls at a rate of $0.15/hour to a maximum session cost of $2.10 daily
Please note that the HotSpot application limits the initial Pay As You Go purchase of parking to 16 hours. If you wish to purchase parking for more than 16 hours, you may immediately extend your parking session by an additional 20 hours when parked in physician stalls (36 hours total) and by 14 hours when parked in staff stalls (30 hours total).
Digital Permit Parking
Digital parking permits offer a range of parking options and can be set to auto-renew if desired. If you are not parking onsite regularly Pay As You Go is likely the most cost-effective option. Choose the one that is right for you.
South Island
- Weekly Permit (7 Days) - $13.50 for Staff Parking/$19.69 for Physician Parking
- 30-Day Permit - $57.69 for Staff Parking/$84.17 for Physician Parking
- Annual Permit (365 Days) – $1,024.08 (only available to Residents choosing to park in Physician parking stalls)
- Weekly Permit (7 Days) - $5.73 for Staff Parking / $9.69 for Physician Parking
- 30-Day Permit - $24.52 for Staff Parking/$41.42 for Physician Parking
- Annual Permit (365 Days) - $504.00 (only available to Residents choosing to park in Physician parking stalls)
- How to Register for Parking
To register for HotSpot Parking, fill out and deliver this parking application if you’d like to park in Staff parking or this parking application if you’d like to park in Physician parking to the Parking Office and provide proof of your student ID card. This can be done by:
- Submitting a completed application form and presenting your student ID at an Island Health Parking Office location or;
- Emailing your completed application form and a photo attachment of your student ID card.
Once your application and student ID are submitted, the parking office will begin the validation process. Once your application is processed, you will receive a confirmation email from HotSpot outlining how to download the parking application, set up your account and purchase the parking option that best suits your needs. After 12 months, your access to the application will expire and you will be required to reapply via the same process as outlined above.
Inquiries related to parking at Island Health or the HotSpot parking application can be directed to
- Bicycles Racks
Bicycle racks are conveniently located with in close proximity to most major entrances. For more information on bicycle rack locations, please review the Parking Maps section below.
- Bicycle Compounds
Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, Royal Jubilee Hospital, and Victoria General Hospital offer secured bicycle compounds. Access to these compounds is provided through proximity access cards. If you cannot access these compounds, your UBC Coordinator can request this additional access via Protection Services. Way finding signage is posted to help you locate bicycle compounds on site.
- Parking Maps
Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH)
- Region 1: North Island
- Comox Valley Hospital (CVH)
- Location, Services, Amenities, Parking
- Electronic Health Record Training: CVH is a non-activated site
- Campbell River Hospital (CRH)
- Location, Services, Amenities, Parking
- Electronic Health Record Training: CRH is a non-activated site
- Port McNeill & District Hospital (PMNDH)
- Location, Services
- Electronic Health Record Training: PMNDH is a fully activated site.
- Port Hardy Hospital (PTHH)
- Location, Services, Amenities
- Electronic Health Record Training: PTHH is a fully activated site.
- Comox Valley Hospital (CVH)
- Region 2: Central Island
- Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH)
- Location, Services, Amenities, Site Map, Parking
- Electronic Health Record Training: NRGH is a fully activated site
- For more detailed information, please refer to the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital Site Guide PDF.
- Tofino General Hospital (TGH)
- Location & Services
- Electronic Health Record Training: TGH is a non-activated site
- West Coast General Hospital (WCGH)
- Location, Services, Amenities
- Electronic Health Record Training: WCGH is a fully activated site
- Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH)
- Region 3: Cowichan, Saanich, and Gulf Islands
- Cowichan District Hospital (CDH)
- Location, Services, Amenities
- Electronic Health Record Training: CDH is a partially activated site
- For more detailed information, please refer to the Cowichan District Hospital Site Guide PDF.
- Saanich Peninsula Hospital (SPH)
- Location, Services, Amenities, Parking
- Electronic Health Record Training: SPH is a non-activated site
- Lady Minto / Gulf Islands Hospital (LMGH)
- Location, Services, Amenities
- Electronic Health Record Training: LMGH is a fully activated site.
- Chemainus Health Care Centre (CHCC)
- Location, Services
- Electronic Health Record Training: CHCC is a fully activated site.
- Ladysmith Community Health Centre (LCHC)
- Location, Services, Amenities
- Electronic Health Record Training: LCHC is a fully activated site.
- Salt Spring Island Health Unit (SSHU)
- Location, Services
- Electronic Health Record Training: SSHU is a fully activated site.
- Cowichan District Hospital (CDH)
- Region 4: South Island
- Victoria General Hospital (VGH)
- Location, Services, Amenities, Parking
- Electronic Health Record Training: VGH is a fully activated site
- For more detailed information, please refer to the Victoria General Hospital Site Guide PDF.
- Royal Jubilee Hospital (RJH)
- Location, Services, Amenities, Site Map, Parking
- Electronic Health Record Training: RJH is a fully activated site
- Queen Alexandra Centre for Children's Health (QACCH)
- Location, Services, Amenities, Parking
- Electronic Health Record Training: QACCH is a fully activated site.
- Victoria General Hospital (VGH)
- Site Map Region Filter
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Links to Resources: