Training for MoCA-MIS© Version 8.1 Vancouver Island Coastal First Nations

Posted on: January 13, 2023

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This new LearningHub course​ will teach clinicians the knowledge and skills they need in order to administer the MoCA-MIS© Version 8.1 Vancouver Island Coastal First Nations. 

Target audience: qualified healthcare professionals (degree, certificate or license) including RNs, RPNs, OTs, PTs, NPs and Physicians. 

The course consists of three modules and three quizzes, and takes about two hours to complete. In addition to the specifics of administering the MoCA-MIS© Version 8.1 Vancouver Island Coastal First Nations, clinicians will learn about the consequences of the history and legacy of colonization, residential schools and racism for Indigenous seniors and their families and how to bring a trauma-informed lens to their working relationship with Indigenous seniors and their families.