Explore new opportunities for point-of-care staff to contribute to local quality improvement

Posted on: July 3, 2024

Island Health's evolving approach to quality improvement is creating new opportunities for staff and medical staff to influence the quality of care in their local sites and communityFINAL_cgii_framework_graphic (1).png services. ​

New clinical governance committees are being formed to help enable quality improvement in acute sites and community services across Island Health. Point-of-care staff and medical staff can bring their valuable knowledge and perspectives to these new tables and help improve the quality of care for patients, clients, and families. ​

Point-of-care staff who are interested in quality improvement can fill out a simple form CG Membership Call Out to add their names to the pool of available applicants for committees from Port Hardy to Victoria.


  • Everyone who has a role in the patient journey – as clinical care providers, non-clinical support staff or allied health practitioners – can have a place at these tables. The most important qualifications are a strong interest in quality improvement and experience that is relevant to identifying and / or implementing quality improvements in a particular area. 
  • Current C.A.R.E. Network members should not seek to move to another committee until their current term is complete.
  • Applicants to the 2023 Expression of Interest do not need to reapply – their information has been added to the pool.
  • Be sure to notify your leader or manager prior to submitting your information.
  • Applications will be accepted in July and reviewed in August and September. All applicants will be informed about the results of the process before committees begin meeting.
  • Most opportunities exist in new local structures that are being formed to help enable quality improvement in acute sites and local community services. You can also share your interest in joining a regional C.A.R.E. Network committee as spaces open up. Click here to learn more about the local structures or here to learn more about all of the committees and structures in our new clinical governance model
  • The monthly time commitment for members is limited to preparing for and attending one meeting per month.



Email CGII@islandhealth.ca ​