PCQO Online Submission Form

Posted on: April 20, 2023

The Patient Care Quality Office is pleased to announce a new way for our patients and family members to submit feedback.  An online form​ has been created using RedCap to allow patients to electronically register compliments and concerns.  ​​

This project was a result of feedback received from a younger demographic of patients wanting a more accessible electronic option. The link is being published to both the public and internal website and will allow users to upload supporting documents and save a copy of their submission.

​The PCQO encourages all patients to first address their concerns at the point of care. This will allow a more timely response to feedback shared.  

Should individuals remain unsatisfied after speaking directly with care staff, they are more than welcome to now submit their feedback electronically through this online form​ or contact the Patient Care Quality Office by telephone (250-370-8323) or email at patientcarequalityoffice@islandhealth.ca.