How Do We Improve? The IHI Model for Improvement

Posted On: December 17, 2024


QI is part of all our jobs, but where to begin? The IHI Model for Improvement is a great starting point. It has three fundamental questions and the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle. The three questions define goals, measure success, and identify changes for improvement:

  • What are we trying to accomplish?

  • How will we know a change is an improvement?

  • What change(s) can we make to drive improvement?

Once a change idea is identified, the PDSA cycle tests and adapts it on a small scale to ensure success. We'll learn more about it in an upcoming article. 


Reflect: If we use the Model of Improvement with the example of getting kids to school on time, let's use it to try the first part of Model for Improvement:

What are we trying to accomplish?                                    

Get kids to school on time.

How will we know that change is an improvement?

Be on time more often, and feel less stressed in the mornings.

What change(s) can we make that will result in improvement?

Pack lunches the night before.

Did you have trouble narrowing down what you could change in this example? Stay tuned next edition to learn "the 5 WHYs" method to identify the root cause of the issue.

The Strategic Quality Improvement (SQI) Team

Our team aims to improve patient care and outcomes using QI methodology and tools, supporting daily learning, and aligning with Island Health's strategic priorities.

Clinical Governance and QI Support

QI Specialists support C.A.R.E. Networks and Local Levels structures, supporting the prioritization, development and implementation of QI initiatives, including Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs). They also offer QI coaching, at-the-elbow support and training.

If you're excited to learn more about QI, visit the Strategic Quality Improvement (SQI) Intranet Page.