Island Health Magazine Spring Issue

Posted on: April 5, 2023

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The spring edition of Island Health Magazine shares many uplifting stories – including actions being taken to stabilize and improve health care services for the residents of North Vancouver Island – and new partnerships and innovations to help combat the toxic drug crisis, which continues to cause irreparable harm to families and communities across our health region. 

You can read about how our new Harm Reduction Policy is giving Island Health employees the tools and education to support the provision of inclusive, person-centred care, promoting support - not stigma. Our Indigenous Health and Public Health Registered Dietitions share the connection between food and mental wellbeing, along with some great recipes.

From Nanaimo, learn how our new Car 54 partnership with RCMP is supporting safer, more compassionate response for people in crisis, and how a new mobile clinic is bringing care where it is needed for marginalized people.  And get the latest on progress towards a new Cowichan District Hospital!

Grab a coffee, and peruse these stories and many more celebrating so much good work across Island Health!  

​Do you have story to share in a future edition of Island Health Magazine? Email editor with your ideas.